Prior to joining the STEM Education Center full time in 2018, Donna was a classroom teacher with 15 years of teaching experience. She holds National Board Certification in Early Adolescence Science and is a NASA Network of Educator Astronaut Teacher. She has won several awards for teaching and curriculum development including the Blackstone Valley Educational Consortium Promising Practices in Education Award. She was named Florida Wildlife Federation Conservation Educator of the Year, the Florida Association of Science Teachers Most Outstanding Science Teacher and the Palm Beach County Outstanding New Science Teacher. She is most proud of the Everglades: An American Treasure curriculum which she developed with the assistance of numerous agencies. As a result of her work on this curriculum, Donna began teaching professional development workshops in 1999 and truly enjoys working with teachers. It is this passion that brought her to WPI. She is excited to share all of her experiences and love of learning with teachers to better help them understand how integrated STEM and phenomenon driven project & problem based learning can be incorporated into their classrooms.