Affiliated Department or Office
Social Science & Policy Studies
Interactive Media & Game Development
PhD Industrial and Systems Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville 2008
MS Human Factors Engineering Wright State University, Dayton 2002
BS Electrical Engineering University of Pune, India 1999

As a systems engineer I view optimizing engineering endeavors as going beyond algorithmic optimization to include a humanitarian mission, using systems engineering tools, patterns, techniques, methods, themes, and philosophies to do policy modeling, all with the common goal of mission success. While engineering tools have brought about much excellence and productivity, we haven't always applied these powerful tools to goals such as human diversity in engineering, or looking at the full human as a participant in the human workforce. I pursue these ideas across multiple dimensions, from research to course design to service, combining my core scientific grounding with activism and relationship building.

In 2015 I received an award for my work applying systems engineering principles to develop a four-year Engineering curriculum in a high school that involved a multi-disciplinary team of engineering students, high school administrators and teachers. The students developed a thorough understanding of systems engineering principles and helped us develop the school's engineering program from a concept to reality. Recently I have been engaged in research on addressing the digital divide funded by the Department of the Army; and an NSF-funded study designed to reduce racial disparities in birth-data in Los Angeles.

I particularly enjoy working with students from different backgrounds as they discover systems engineering as a common language communicating complex systems engineering projects. I also emphasize soft skills development, because systems engineers often lead multidisciplinary teams towards a successful mission. With Gillian Smith, I co-advised an MQP project that won the national Andrew P. Sage Memorial Capstone Design Competition. I also served as the advisor for WPI’s first PhD student in systems engineering, work with other faculty to explore research ethics, and with university colleagues on issues such as fringe benefits.

Visit Digital WPI to view student projects and research that Professor Bhada advised or served as a member of a doctoral committee.

Shamsnaz Bhada
Affiliated Department or Office
Social Science & Policy Studies
Interactive Media & Game Development
PhD Industrial and Systems Engineering University of Alabama, Huntsville 2008
MS Human Factors Engineering Wright State University, Dayton 2002
BS Electrical Engineering University of Pune, India 1999

As a systems engineer I view optimizing engineering endeavors as going beyond algorithmic optimization to include a humanitarian mission, using systems engineering tools, patterns, techniques, methods, themes, and philosophies to do policy modeling, all with the common goal of mission success. While engineering tools have brought about much excellence and productivity, we haven't always applied these powerful tools to goals such as human diversity in engineering, or looking at the full human as a participant in the human workforce. I pursue these ideas across multiple dimensions, from research to course design to service, combining my core scientific grounding with activism and relationship building.

In 2015 I received an award for my work applying systems engineering principles to develop a four-year Engineering curriculum in a high school that involved a multi-disciplinary team of engineering students, high school administrators and teachers. The students developed a thorough understanding of systems engineering principles and helped us develop the school's engineering program from a concept to reality. Recently I have been engaged in research on addressing the digital divide funded by the Department of the Army; and an NSF-funded study designed to reduce racial disparities in birth-data in Los Angeles.

I particularly enjoy working with students from different backgrounds as they discover systems engineering as a common language communicating complex systems engineering projects. I also emphasize soft skills development, because systems engineers often lead multidisciplinary teams towards a successful mission. With Gillian Smith, I co-advised an MQP project that won the national Andrew P. Sage Memorial Capstone Design Competition. I also served as the advisor for WPI’s first PhD student in systems engineering, work with other faculty to explore research ethics, and with university colleagues on issues such as fringe benefits.

Visit Digital WPI to view student projects and research that Professor Bhada advised or served as a member of a doctoral committee.

Atwater Kent, 228
Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being

SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

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SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

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SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 5: Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

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SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

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SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

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SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

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Scholarly Work

Professor Bhada’s work is focused on policy content modeling and system safety analysis.


Krishnan, R., & Bhada, S. V. (2022). Integrated System Design and Safety Framework for Model-Based Safety Assessment. IEEE Access, 10, 79311-79334.

Bhada, S. V., & Krishnan, R. (2020). A model centric framework and approach for complex systems policy. IEEE Systems Journal, 15(1), 215-225.

Krishnan, R., & Bhada, S. V. (2020). An integrated system design and safety framework for model-based safety analysis. IEEE Access, 8, 146483-146497.