Professor Trubko is an experimental quantum physicist who leads the WPI Quantum Sensing group. Her group uses ensembles of Nitrogen-vacancy quantum defects in diamond to image magnetic fields with high spatial resolution. We work both to develop state-of-the-art quantum instruments and to use them to study biomagnetism and magnetic properties of novel materials.
Before joining WPI, Raisa was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. She earned her Ph.D. in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship, and founded the University of Arizona Women in Physics Group. During her graduate studies, Raisa was also a visiting research fellow at the Vienna University of Technology. Raisa completed her BS in Optics and BA in Physics at the University of Rochester. She is a graduate of Mass Academy.

Professor Trubko is an experimental quantum physicist who leads the WPI Quantum Sensing group. Her group uses ensembles of Nitrogen-vacancy quantum defects in diamond to image magnetic fields with high spatial resolution. We work both to develop state-of-the-art quantum instruments and to use them to study biomagnetism and magnetic properties of novel materials.
Before joining WPI, Raisa was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. She earned her Ph.D. in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship, and founded the University of Arizona Women in Physics Group. During her graduate studies, Raisa was also a visiting research fellow at the Vienna University of Technology. Raisa completed her BS in Optics and BA in Physics at the University of Rochester. She is a graduate of Mass Academy.