Rose's academic interests lie where logic meets computer science: formal methods (the study of software correctness) and programming language theory. Her dissertation focuses on computer-assisted theorem-proving for cyber-physical systems: systems where computers are responsible for keeping physical things and people safe. Her favorite thing about these research topics is the connection to many fields. She completed her PhD at Carnegie Mellon University in 2021. She was a recent visiting researcher at the National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo, JP) and past visitor at TU Munich (Munich, DE).

Rose's academic interests lie where logic meets computer science: formal methods (the study of software correctness) and programming language theory. Her dissertation focuses on computer-assisted theorem-proving for cyber-physical systems: systems where computers are responsible for keeping physical things and people safe. Her favorite thing about these research topics is the connection to many fields. She completed her PhD at Carnegie Mellon University in 2021. She was a recent visiting researcher at the National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo, JP) and past visitor at TU Munich (Munich, DE).