100 Institute RD
+1 (508) 8316370
BS Computer Science Stanford University Departmental honors 2001
MS Computer Science University of the Western Cape Cum Laude 2007
PhD Computer Science University of California, San Diego 2012

My research interests are in applied machine learning, computer vision, data science and their applications to education, affective computing, and human behavior recognition. My work is highly interdisciplinary and frequently intersects cognitive science, psychology, and education. Before joining WPI, I was a research scientist at the Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning at Harvard University. In 2012, I co-founded Emotient, a San Diego-based startup company for automatic emotion and facial expression recognition. I also love teaching and have lectured, mentored, and tutored students in the USA, South Africa, Rwanda, and Germany.

BS Computer Science Stanford University Departmental honors 2001
MS Computer Science University of the Western Cape Cum Laude 2007
PhD Computer Science University of California, San Diego 2012

My research interests are in applied machine learning, computer vision, data science and their applications to education, affective computing, and human behavior recognition. My work is highly interdisciplinary and frequently intersects cognitive science, psychology, and education. Before joining WPI, I was a research scientist at the Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning at Harvard University. In 2012, I co-founded Emotient, a San Diego-based startup company for automatic emotion and facial expression recognition. I also love teaching and have lectured, mentored, and tutored students in the USA, South Africa, Rwanda, and Germany.

100 Institute RD
+1 (508) 8316370

Scholarly Work

The computer expression recognition toolbox (CERT) G Littlewort, J Whitehill, T Wu, I Fasel, M Frank, J Movellan, M Bartlett Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition and Workshops (FG 2011), 2011 IEEE ...

Monocular head pose estimation using generalized adaptive view-based appearance model LP Morency, J Whitehill, J Movellan Image and Vision Computing 28 (5), 754-761

Exploiting structure in crowdsourcing tasks via latent factor models P Ruvolo, J Whitehill, JR Movellan Technical Report TR2010. 01, Machine Perception Laboratory

Insights on spontaneous facial expressions from automatic expression measurement M Bartlett, G Littlewort, J Whitehill, E Vural, T Wu, K Lee, A Erçil, M Cetin, ... Dynamic Faces: Insights from Experiments and Computation, 211-238

Toward practical smile detection J Whitehill, G Littlewort, I Fasel, M Bartlett, J Movellan IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (11), 2106 ...

Whose vote should count more: Optimal integration of labels from labelers of unknown expertise J Whitehill, T Wu, J Bergsma, JR Movellan, PL Ruvolo Advances in neural information processing systems, 2035-2043


College Town: Nichols gets $2M anonymous gift

In its College Town section, The Telegram & Gazette featured how Jacob Whitehill, assistant professor of computer science, is collaborating with colleagues at the University of Colorado Boulder to explore how artificially intelligent (AI) teaching agents might help encourage more meaningful collaboration among students in school classrooms.

Too Hot, Too Cold? Scientists Search For The Optimal Temperature For Learning

Forbes reported online about research led by Shichao Liu to study the optimal indoor conditions for learning. Liu, Jacob Whitehill and Steven Van Dessel received $299,991 develop technologies that detect and boost student engagement in lessons by controlling classroom temperature, ventilation, and lighting.