How do leaders work across disciplines, organizations, cultures, and networks to co-create and implement novel solutions, sustainable human-centered change, and entrepreneurial ventures? Over the past twenty years, this question has motivated Elizabeth Long Lingo's research, innovative project-based teaching, and efforts to advance organizational transformation and policy change to forge more creatively vibrant organizations, cities, and fields of enterprise.
As an ethnographer of work and organizations, Professor Long Lingo is especially interested in the situated and lived experience of everyday work, and inductively analyzes qualitative data to build new theory and unexpected insights. Her scholarship is primarily process-focused, and offers three major contributions to the field: 1) launching a stream of research on creative brokering that informs how leaders advance entrepreneurial opportunities and novel outcomes within networks; 2) illuminating the micro-processes that enable low-power and under-represented actors to advance change and innovation; and 3) exploring how digital technology both constrains and enhances creative work.
Professor Long Lingo’s research has been published in top-tier journals including Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ), Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Harvard Business Review, Poetics, Work and Occupations, and the Chronicle of Higher Education and featured in the New York Times, The Guardian (UK), Forbes, Fortune, and BBC Global news. She was recognized in the ASQ Editor’s Choice Collections as authoring one of the top papers focused on networks and knowledge.
Professor Long Lingo was Co-PI on two National Science Foundation ADVANCE grants, including WPI’s Adaptation grant, “Advancing toward “FULL” Representation of Women in STEM at WPI” and the Partnership grant, “ImPACT: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Information Technology.” As a co-PI Professor Long Lingo explored the lived experience of faculty in navigating promotion systems and the potentially transformative role of department heads in fostering innovation among all faculty.
Professor Long Lingo's current research projects focus on: 1) how digital technology is shaping creative work and organizations, 2) the creative practice of visualizing qualitative data and theory, and 3) how leaders and individuals can cultivate, manage and sustain creative energy.
Professor Long Lingo joined WPI because teaching is one of her core passions. She thrives on building STEM students’ leadership capabilities and awakening their minds to the complex and messy web of often hidden interpersonal, team, and organizational dynamics that undergird personal career success and business outcomes. Her mission is to help WPI students graduate with the capacity to build more humane teams and organizations; co-create human-centered solutions across disciplines and cultures; more deftly manage the ambiguity they will encounter in real-life projects; and handle potential difficult conversations and leadership challenges with resilience, grace and empathy.
Visit Digital WPI to view student projects and research advised by Professor Lingo.
How do leaders work across disciplines, organizations, cultures, and networks to co-create and implement novel solutions, sustainable human-centered change, and entrepreneurial ventures? Over the past twenty years, this question has motivated Elizabeth Long Lingo's research, innovative project-based teaching, and efforts to advance organizational transformation and policy change to forge more creatively vibrant organizations, cities, and fields of enterprise.
As an ethnographer of work and organizations, Professor Long Lingo is especially interested in the situated and lived experience of everyday work, and inductively analyzes qualitative data to build new theory and unexpected insights. Her scholarship is primarily process-focused, and offers three major contributions to the field: 1) launching a stream of research on creative brokering that informs how leaders advance entrepreneurial opportunities and novel outcomes within networks; 2) illuminating the micro-processes that enable low-power and under-represented actors to advance change and innovation; and 3) exploring how digital technology both constrains and enhances creative work.
Professor Long Lingo’s research has been published in top-tier journals including Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ), Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Harvard Business Review, Poetics, Work and Occupations, and the Chronicle of Higher Education and featured in the New York Times, The Guardian (UK), Forbes, Fortune, and BBC Global news. She was recognized in the ASQ Editor’s Choice Collections as authoring one of the top papers focused on networks and knowledge.
Professor Long Lingo was Co-PI on two National Science Foundation ADVANCE grants, including WPI’s Adaptation grant, “Advancing toward “FULL” Representation of Women in STEM at WPI” and the Partnership grant, “ImPACT: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Information Technology.” As a co-PI Professor Long Lingo explored the lived experience of faculty in navigating promotion systems and the potentially transformative role of department heads in fostering innovation among all faculty.
Professor Long Lingo's current research projects focus on: 1) how digital technology is shaping creative work and organizations, 2) the creative practice of visualizing qualitative data and theory, and 3) how leaders and individuals can cultivate, manage and sustain creative energy.
Professor Long Lingo joined WPI because teaching is one of her core passions. She thrives on building STEM students’ leadership capabilities and awakening their minds to the complex and messy web of often hidden interpersonal, team, and organizational dynamics that undergird personal career success and business outcomes. Her mission is to help WPI students graduate with the capacity to build more humane teams and organizations; co-create human-centered solutions across disciplines and cultures; more deftly manage the ambiguity they will encounter in real-life projects; and handle potential difficult conversations and leadership challenges with resilience, grace and empathy.
Visit Digital WPI to view student projects and research advised by Professor Lingo.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 2: Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being
SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 5: Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 13: Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Scholarly Work
Professor Lingo publishes research on how individuals come together across disciplines, organizations, cultures, and networks to co-create and implement novel solutions, entrepreneurial ventures, and sustainable human-centered change.
Featured works:
Bruns, H. C., & Long Lingo, E. (2024). Tedious Work: Developing Novel Outcomes with Digitization in the Arts and Sciences. Administrative Science Quarterly, 69(1), 39-79.
Meluso, J., Chambers, C. R., Littauer, R., Llamas, N., Long Lingo, E., Mhangami, M., Pitt, B., Splitter, V., & Wang, H. (2024). Opening Up: Interdisciplinary Guidance for Managing Open Ecosystems. Available at SSRN 4821969.
Long Lingo, E. (2023). Digital curation and creative brokering: Managing information overload in open organizing. Organization Studies, 44(1), 105-133.
Long Lingo, E., & Bruns, H. C. (2022). Digital Tedious Work and Developing Novel Outcomes with Digitization. Best Paper Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online. ISSN: 2151-6561.
Long Lingo, E., & Demetry, C. (2022). Navigating Incongruent Perspectives of Meaningful Work: Moral Outrage and Inhabited Institutions. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Zhou, S., Loiacono, E., Nerur, S., Randolph, A. B., Long Lingo, E., Iyer, L., & Carter, M. (2022). Authorship, Collaboration, and Influence of Women IS Scholars: Using Social Network Analysis.
Long Lingo, E., & Bruns, H. C. (2021). Auto-tuned and r-squared: Reflecting audience quality evaluations in the creative process in music production and cancer research. In Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey (pp. 91-113). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Long Lingo, E., (2020). Entrepreneurial leadership as creative brokering: The process and practice of co‐creating and advancing opportunity. Journal of Management Studies, 57(5), 962-1001.
Long Lingo, E., & McGinn, K. L. (2020). A New Prescription for Power Spend less time exerting control and more time mobilizing energy and commitment. Harvard Business Review, 98(4), 66-75.
Demetry, C., Long Lingo, E., & Skorinko, J. L. M. (2020). What is valued and who is valued for promotion? Enacting and sustaining a policy that rewards multiple forms of scholarship. ASEE annual conference proceedings.
Demetry, C., & Long Lingo, E. (2019). Transforming the associate-to-full promotion system: Wrestling with strategic ambiguity and gender equity. ASEE annual conference proceedings.
Demetry, C., Long Lingo, E., & Skorinko, J. (2019). Increasing Diversity in the Ranks of Full Professors--For Both Tenured and Nontenure-Track Faculty. New England Journal of Higher Education.
Long Lingo, E., & Elmes, M. B. (2019). Institutional preservation work at a family business in crisis: Micro-processes, emotions, and nonfamily members. Organization Studies, 40(6), 887-916.
McGinn, K. L., Ruiz Castro, M., & Long Lingo, E. (2019). Learning from mum: Cross-national evidence linking maternal employment and adult children’s outcomes. Work, Employment and Society, 33(3), 374-400.
Long Lingo, E. (2018). Brokerage and creative leadership: Process, practice, and possibilities. In Creative leadership (pp. 208-227). Routledge.
Long Lingo, E., Fisher, C. M., & McGinn, K. L. (2014). Negotiation processes as sources of (and solutions to) interorganizational conflict. In Handbook of conflict management research. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Long Lingo, E., & Tepper, S. J. (2013). Looking back, looking forward: Arts-based careers and creative work. Work and Occupations, 40(4), 337-363.
Lee, C. W., & Long Lingo, E. (2011). The “Got Art?” paradox: Questioning the value of art in collective action. Poetics, 39(4), 316-335.
Long Lingo, E., & O'Mahony, S. (2010). Nexus work: Brokerage on creative projects. Administrative Science Quarterly, 55(1), 47-81. Selected for ASQ Editor’s Choice Collections.
Long Lingo, E., (2010). The creative foil: Managing multi-disciplinary expertise. In Qualitative organizational research: Best papers from the Davis conference on qualitative research (pp. 91-113). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.