I perform experimental and computational (Monte Carlo) research in the field of applied nuclear physics with a focus on Medical and Health Physics. Presently my research group is investigating: 1) developing a unique technique to enable ultrahigh-resolution in-vivo functional imaging using neutrons,
2) adapting Gen. IV micro-reactors as the core of a next generation research nuclear reactor which also can supply carbon-free energy to a campus,
3) developing a 169Yb brachytherapy source to enable localized intensity-modulated radiation therapy, and,
4) analyzing the time-dependent resuspension of radioactive Am-241 into the atmosphere.
We are always interested in having new students at both the undergraduate and graduate level join our research program.

I perform experimental and computational (Monte Carlo) research in the field of applied nuclear physics with a focus on Medical and Health Physics. Presently my research group is investigating: 1) developing a unique technique to enable ultrahigh-resolution in-vivo functional imaging using neutrons,
2) adapting Gen. IV micro-reactors as the core of a next generation research nuclear reactor which also can supply carbon-free energy to a campus,
3) developing a 169Yb brachytherapy source to enable localized intensity-modulated radiation therapy, and,
4) analyzing the time-dependent resuspension of radioactive Am-241 into the atmosphere.
We are always interested in having new students at both the undergraduate and graduate level join our research program.
Scholarly Work
G. Winters, E. Buglova, D. Medich, et. al. “Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies at Category II and III Research Reactors”, International Atomic Energy Agency report, IAEA GS-R-2 (2011)