Olin 217

Ben Pollard

Assistant Teaching Professor
PhD, Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017
MS, Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014
BA, Physics and Computer Science, Pomona College, 2011

Dr. Pollard's research focuses on teaching and learning in physics laboratory courses. He is also involved in community building and organization to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice in STEM, including as a core organizer in The Access Network. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Heather Lewandowski and the Physics Education Research group at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Ben Pollard

Assistant Teaching Professor
PhD, Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017
MS, Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014
BA, Physics and Computer Science, Pomona College, 2011

Dr. Pollard's research focuses on teaching and learning in physics laboratory courses. He is also involved in community building and organization to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice in STEM, including as a core organizer in The Access Network. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Heather Lewandowski and the Physics Education Research group at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Olin 217

Scholarly Work

LM Dana, Benjamin Pollard, Sara Mueller. More than technical support: the professional contexts of physics instructional labs. In press, arXiv:2305.01023 (2023) 

Joseph Wilson, Benjamin Pollard, John M. Aiken, Marcos D. Caballero, and H. J. Lewandowski. Classification of open-ended responses to a research-based assessment using natural language processing. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 010141 (2022)