The project mode of education is a significant tenet of WPI; project based courses are common, along with the required Interactive Qualifying Project and Major Qualifying Project. Managing this close knit intellectual activity has m any parallels to coaching sports; watching individuals " light up" is tremendously rewarding. The recent addition of the Great Problems Seminar allows strong interaction with the freshman class as well. The thermofluid area is critical to world sustainability and extends beyond technical expertise to socio- political and economic context.

The project mode of education is a significant tenet of WPI; project based courses are common, along with the required Interactive Qualifying Project and Major Qualifying Project. Managing this close knit intellectual activity has m any parallels to coaching sports; watching individuals " light up" is tremendously rewarding. The recent addition of the Great Problems Seminar allows strong interaction with the freshman class as well. The thermofluid area is critical to world sustainability and extends beyond technical expertise to socio- political and economic context.
Scholarly Work
Brian Savilonis, “Societal Impact of Thermo Fluid Design,” 2010 ASEE Northeast Section Conference, 2010
(with Kris Wobbe), Workshop on Reforming the First Year Experience, Notre Dame U., August 2- 4, 2009.
Brian Savilonis and David Spanagel, " Great Problem Seminars at WPI: a Multidisciplinary Project- based Experience," Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Northeast Section Conference, 2009