Office Location
WPI - Gateway II, 50 Prescott St, Worcester, MA 01609
Publication Information

Weixuan Gong, Juan Cuevas, Pedro Reszka, Albert Simeoni, “The role of smoldering in the ignition of Pinus palustris needles”, Fire Safety Journal, Volume 143, 2024, 104053, ISSN 0379-7112, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2023.104053.

Navya Muniraj, Weixuan Gong, Muthu Kumaran Selvaraj, and Albert Simeoni, “A study of fire and plume dynamics for static pool fires and their interaction with vegetation”, 9th International conference on Forest Fire Research, November 11-18, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal.

Weixuan Gong, Juan Cuevas, and Albert Simeoni, “A Study of the Ignition Mechanism for Dead Pinus Palustris Needles”, 9th International conference on Forest Fire Research, November 11-18, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal.

Reza Ziazi, Abhinandan Singh, Ahmed O. Said, Weixuan Gong, Bruno Schardong, Matthew Patterson, Nicholas S. Skowronski & Albert Simeoni, “Experimental investigation of fire spread across a vegetative fuel bed incorporating the effect of wind velocity”, 12th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, May 2021, Texas, US.

Yang Zhou, Fei Chen, Zhongyang Geng, Rongwei Bu, Weixuan Gong, Chuangang Fan, and Liang Yi,
“Experimental study on the characteristics of temperature distribution of two pool fires with different transverse locations in a naturally ventilated tunnel”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 116, 2021, 104095, ISSN 0886-7798,

08/2019 – Present M.S. & Ph.D. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Fire Protection Engineering
08/2015 - 05/2019 B.E. Central South University, School of Civil Engineering, Changsha, Hunan, China Major: Fire Protection Engineering

I have a master’s degree in Fire Protection Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). My master thesis focused on studying the ignition mechanism of dead Pinus Palustris needles using a cone calorimeter.

Motivated by my Master’s research, I am interested and curious to pursue my Ph.D. in the area of wildland fire. I am currently a Ph.D. student at WPI, supervised by Professor Simeoni. My current research aims on investigating the influence of vegetation distribution and flow on the fire behavior and plume development in prescribed burns through a multiscale study.

Office Location
WPI - Gateway II, 50 Prescott St, Worcester, MA 01609

Research Interests

Scholarly Work

Weixuan Gong, Juan Cuevas, Pedro Reszka, Albert Simeoni, “The role of smoldering in the ignition of Pinus palustris needles”, Fire Safety Journal, Volume 143, 2024, 104053, ISSN 0379-7112, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2023.104053.

Navya Muniraj, Weixuan Gong, Muthu Kumaran Selvaraj, and Albert Simeoni, “A study of fire and plume dynamics for static pool fires and their interaction with vegetation”, 9th International conference on Forest Fire Research, November 11-18, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal.

Weixuan Gong, Juan Cuevas, and Albert Simeoni, “A Study of the Ignition Mechanism for Dead Pinus Palustris Needles”, 9th International conference on Forest Fire Research, November 11-18, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal.

Reza Ziazi, Abhinandan Singh, Ahmed O. Said, Weixuan Gong, Bruno Schardong, Matthew Patterson, Nicholas S. Skowronski & Albert Simeoni, “Experimental investigation of fire spread across a vegetative fuel bed incorporating the effect of wind velocity”, 12th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, May 2021, Texas, US.

Yang Zhou, Fei Chen, Zhongyang Geng, Rongwei Bu, Weixuan Gong, Chuangang Fan, and Liang Yi,
“Experimental study on the characteristics of temperature distribution of two pool fires with different transverse locations in a naturally ventilated tunnel”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 116, 2021, 104095, ISSN 0886-7798,