Resuscitation Assist Device

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) requires an individual to manually perform chest compressions in an attempt manually pump blood throughout the body. This form of resuscitation is usually done while further help is en-route whether that be electronic resuscitation, transport to a medical facility, or other life support means. Proper CPR techniques are taught in training, however, when applied to practice, administrations of CPR often provide inadequate support. Inadequate support can be related to lack of depth of compressions, insufficient circulation, aspiration, or broken ribs.

The Resuscitation Assist Device allows an administrator of CPR to deploy the system on the chest of their subject. Compressions are then applied to the system with the chest directly beneath. Feedback is then given to the administrator on how effective the chest compression was based on its depth. This allows the administrator to know where changes need to be made during CPR.

Key Features/Benefits

  • Real-time feedback to CPR administrators
  • Improved quality of CPR compressions
Faculty/PhD/Staff Inventor(s)
Benjamin S. Abram, Eric Chiem, Zoey Foley, John S. Ringuette
Research Category
Health & Biotechnology
Patent Status
Case Number