Returning to WPI

Location: Unity Hall
Office Location: Room 435
Phone: 508-831-5211
Fax: 508-831-5931

Students who have been away from WPI for a voluntary institutional leave of absence or medical leave of absence may request to return from leave of absence. Students returning from a military leave of absence should refer to the US Military Readmission Policy below. 

The return from leave of absence process has been designed to make sure that students are ready to return successfully to WPI. Students must submit a request to return before the leave of absence expires. If the leave expires you will be automatically withdrawn.

Students may only return at the beginning of a semester (Fall semester/A-term, Spring semester/C-term, or Summer/E-term). Students may not request to return for B or D terms.

  1. Required Documentation for ALL Students
  • All students requesting to return to WPI must complete the appropriate Request to Return from Leave of Absence Form and submit to the Registrar’s Office by the applicable deadlines.

Undergraduate Request to Return from Leave of Absence Form
Deadlines: Fall Semester: July 20th       Spring Semester: November 15th     Summer Session: May 1st

Graduate Request to Return from Leave of Absence Form
Deadlines: Fall Semester: August 1st     Spring Semester: December 1st      Summer Session: May 1st    

2. Additional Requirements or Documentation (based on type of leave/student circumstances)

  • To return from a medical leave of absence, students must be away from WPI for a minimum of 30 days before submitting a request to return. Students must also provide the following before being cleared to return:
  • For psychological medical leaves of absence, the student is responsible for providing the Student Development and Counseling Center (SDCC) with the appropriate documentation from his/her licensed mental health care provider. This documentation should include a written letter from the licensed mental health care provider describing the student’s treatment while on medical leave, any ongoing treatment needs/concerns upon the student’s return to WPI, and a statement that specifically supports the student’s return to WPI.  Additional documentation includes the completed 
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In most circumstances, the student is required to complete an in-person return from leave of absence interview with the SDCC Director prior to the beginning of the semester in which s/he intends to return. This return from leave of absence interview will be scheduled after the Student Development and Counseling Center receives all appropriate documentation.  Return from leave of absence will be supported by the SDCC Director if all of the following conditions are met:       

  • The student’s current mental health status, as determined by the SDCC Director during the return from leave of absence interview, would not impede the student's ability to function successfully as a student.      
  • The student is assessed to be at low risk for harm to self and/or others.
  • The student demonstrates having successfully participated in treatment with a licensed mental health care provider while on leave.
  • The licensed mental health care provider recommends returning from leave of absence.
  • The student’s ongoing treatment needs can be reasonably met while being enrolled as a full-time student.
  • For all other medical leaves of absence, the student is responsible for providing WPI Health Services with the appropriate documentation from a licensed health care provider. This documentation should include a written letter from the licensed health care provider describing the student’s treatment while on leave, any ongoing treatment needs/concerns upon the student’s return to WPI, and a statement that specifically supports the student’s return to WPI.  With the student’s written consent, the Health Services Director will contact the student’s licensed health care provider to verify readiness to return to WPI and to review continuum of care needs.

Once confirmation of support is received by the Registrar’s Office and the Health Services Director or the SDCC Director can verify that the student has met the necessary conditions for returning from medical leave of absence, the Director provides the Registrar with a written confirmation in support of the student’s return. The Registrar will remove the student’s medical hold and will notify the student in writing of official return from leave of absence.

  • If you attended another institution during your absence, ask the institution to complete the Dean of Students Student Record Release Form (PDF).  You will also need to request an official transcript from the other institution to be sent to the Registrar’s Office to be evaluated for any potential transfer credit.
  • If you have been financially withdrawn from WPI you must be cleared by the Bursar’s Office in order to return. Please visit the Bursar’s Office website to find information regarding the process for financial readmission.
  • In certain situations where a student has been administratively withdrawn, the Dean of Students staff may be involved in rendering a decision regarding the return to student status.  This may include a request for additional documentation, and an interview with the student based on the circumstances related to the withdrawal.

3. Other Considerations

US Military Readmission Policy


US service members who are unable to attend classes for more than 30 consecutive days; and service members who are unable to attend classes for less than 30 days when such an absence would result in a withdrawal from the college are eligible.

A student is eligible for readmission under this policy if, during an absence, the student performs uniformed service, voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserve, active duty, active duty for training or full-time National Guard (under federal authority). The cumulative length of all absences for uniformed service (service time only) must not exceed five years.

A student must provide orders, or written notice by Commanding Officer, of a Uniformed Service Obligation, such as Temporary Duty (TDY), etc., to the Registrar’s Office or designee as far in advance as possible, unless precluded by military necessity, such as service in operations that are classified or would be compromised by such notice. Such notice does not need to indicate when the student will return to WPI.

Requirement of Notice

If you are planning to take a leave for military service, you must give advance written or verbal notice of military service to the Registrar's Office, unless such notice is precluded by military necessity. To be readmitted, you must give notice (written or verbal) of your intent to reenroll to the Registrar's Office no later than three years after the completion of the period of your service. If you are recovering from a service-related injury or illness, you must notify the school no later than two years after your recovery. 

A student who does not submit a timely notification of intent or provide an attestation within the designated time limits may not be eligible for the benefits outlined herein.

Tuition and Fees

If the student is readmitted to the same program, WPI will assess the tuition and fee charges that would have been assessed for the academic year during which the student left (first academic year only). However, if veteran’s education benefits or other service member education benefits will pay the higher tuition and fee charges that other students in the program are paying for the year, WPI will assess those charges to the student.

Readmission Requirements

A returning student will be permitted to reenroll in the next class(es) scheduled in the same academic program unless the student requests a later date of reenrollment or agrees to a different program. A returning student will be readmitted into the same academic program the student was enrolled in prior to the military service obligation. If the exact program no longer exists, the student must be admitted to the program that is most similar, unless the student requests or agrees to admission to a different program. Returning students will be reenrolled with the same enrollment status, number of completed credit hours, and academic standing as the last academic year of attendance.

The cumulative length of the absence and of all previous absences from the school for military service may not exceed five years. Only the time the student spends performing service is counted.

If WPI determines that the student is not prepared to resume the program with the same academic status or is unable to complete the degree, WPI will make reasonable efforts to enable the student to resume or complete the degree at no additional cost to the student.

In accordance with federal regulations, returning students who receive a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) are not eligible for readmission under this policy. However, service members who receive dishonorable or bad conduct discharge may remain eligible for readmission even though they will not be entitled to the benefits outlined in this policy.