Program Schedule

Watch Here for Upcoming Schedule

The schedule below is to give you an idea of how I-CORPS works. Please watch this space for future schedule updates as they become available.


WPI I-Corps Site Schedule and Assignments

The Winter 2023 program consists of 4 classes/workshops, and meetings with your Mentors to practice the I-Corps methodology and conduct your first 30 interviews.

All classes will be in person with the option to participate virtually.


Apply to the WPI site program

Applications close January 20.  Please contact with any questions.

Connecting with Mentors

January 26 from 5:00-6:30 via Zoom There will be an introductory presentation by all teams in the cohort where Mentors will observe and select teams they would like to mentor this fall.  In order to allow the Mentors to make a selection, please prepare the following 4 slides:

Slide 1: 
Team Name
Product/Technology – photo or drawing if available
1 Sentence Description
Team Photo(s)

Slide 2: 
Value Proposition
What customer problems are you trying to solve?
What customer needs are you satisfying?

Slide 3:
Value Proposition
What are the key features of your product/service that match the customer problems/needs?

Slide 4:
Customer Segments
Who are your most important customers?
Describe a typical customer?
What job do they want you to get done for them?

Lead Instructors:  Beth Kahn –, New England I-Corps Node, Todd Keiller, Director, Office of Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Rosanna Garcia –, WPI Business School

Workshop Dates after January 26 Mentor Match Meeting (attendance by Entrepreneurs required at all sessions):

Kick-Off/Class 1 – 2/2/23   5:00 – 7:15PM Customer Segments, Interviewing and Value Propositions

Class 2 – 2/16/23      5:00 – 7:15 PM Lessons Learned – Customer Acquisition

Class 3 – 3/23/23     5:00 – 7:15 PM Customer Relationships

Class 4 – 4/13/23        5:00 – 7:15 PM Presentation of Findings

Class 1

2/2/23   |  5:00-7:15 pm   |  50 Prescott St, Gateway Park and Streaming

Pre-class Preparation:

  1. Read Talking to Humans and Testing with Humans
  2. Watch:

Customer discovery pre planning part 1

Customer discovery pre planning part 2

Customer discovery pre planning part 3

Customer discovery – interviews, part 1

Customer Discovery - Interviews, Part 2        

Asking the right questions:

3. Prepare:

PPT Slide 1 with following info:

  1. Team name
  2. Product/Technology – Photo or Drawing
  3. 1 sentence description
  4. Team photos

In-class work:

  1. Introductions
  2. Expectations
  3. Business Model Canvas
  4. Customers – Value Proposition and markets
    • Customer Discovery Plan
    • Interview GuideTeam develops PPT Slide 2 with:
    • Value proposition
    • Customer Segment

Post-class assignment:

  • Conduct 10 interviews to test the customer assumptions

Class 2 – Customer Acquisition – Get, Keep, Grow

2/16/23  |  5:00-7:15 pm  |  50 Prescott St, Gateway II


Pre-class Preparation:


  1. Watch:

Customer Discovery: Death by Demo 1

Customer Discovery: Death by Demo 2

Customer Discovery: Assuming You Know

Customer Discovery: Death by PowerPoint

Customer Disc: Understanding the Problem

Customer Discovery: Customers Lie

Customer Discovery: The Distracted Customer

2. Prepare additional PPT Slides

  • Slide 1 – same as last week with any modifications to the 1 sentence description
  • Slide 2 – Market Map
    • Link idea to end user
    • Who are the customers?
    • Who is involved in the buying decision and how do they adopt the product
  • Slide 3 – Lessons Learned
    • Hypothesis
    • What you did
    • Results
    • What is next?
  • Slide 4 – Value proposition
    • Customer Segment

In-class work:

  1. Presentation by Team of the Customer Discovery Process
  2. Lecture on Customer Acquisition
  3. (with mentors) plan on next 10 interviews

Post-class Assignment:

  • Conduct 10 more customer interviews

Class 3 – Customer Relationships

3/23/23   | 5:00=7:15 pm   |  50 Prescott St, Gateway Park

Pre-class Preparation:

  1. Watch:

Customer Discovery: Engaging the Customer

Customer Discovery: Customer Empathy

Customer Disc: The User, Buyer, Saboteur

Customer Discovery: The Multi-Person Interview

Customer Discovery: B-to-B to C

Customer Discovery: Existing vs New Markets

Customer Discovery: Public Interview

In-class Work:

  1. Presentation by teams
  • Slide 1 – Team Slide – team name, product/technology, team photos
  • Slide 2 – Customer Relationships – what did you do to find and get the attention of customers, how do you plan to keep and grow that customer base?
  • Slide 3 – Hypothesis: Here is what we thought
      • Experiments: so, here’s what we did
      • Results: Here’s what we learned
      • Iterate: so here is what we’re going to do next
  • Slide 4 – Current Value Proposition and Customer Segment

2. Lecture on Customer Relationships

3. (with mentors), revise Customer Discovery Plan and work on plan for next 10 customer interviews.

Post-class Assignment:

  • Conduct 10 more customer interviews

Final Class – Presentations of Findings

4/13/23 | 5:00-7:15  |  50 Prescott St, Gateway II

Pre-class Preparation:

  1. Watch:  

Customer Discovery Extracting Insight from Data

Customer Discovery Getting the MVP Right

Customer Discovery Pay Attention to Outliers

Customer Discovery The Other 85%

In-class work:

  1. Program Recap
  2. Presentations by teams (3 minute presentation, 2 minute Q+A)
    • Slide 1 – team slide – include total number of interviews
    • Slide 2- Picture or brief description of your product or process (if not on Slide 1)
    • Slide 3 – What are the three critical insights you learned from your interviews?
    • Slide 4 - Original Value Prop and Customer Segment with highlights of your current?
    • Slide 5 – Next steps and what resources do you need going forward

3. WPI Innovation and Commercialization Ecosystem – what is available to you next?