It looks like March will be making good on the whole “in like a lion” thing, so grab your favorite blanket, stock up on that discount Valentine’s Day candy, and take a look at what the WPI community was up to in February, courtesy of not only our talented staff photographers and videographers, but also a few friends around campus.

The Month in Photos: February 2019
Job opportunities and handshakes abounded during the Career Development Center’s Spring Career Fair—over 500 employers were ready to meet with WPI students and find their newest employees or interns.

IMGD professor Ed Gutierrez shared his tale (as old as time) about what it was like being an animator for some of Disney’s biggest films, including Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King.

Someone call HGTV and let them know that Extreme Makeover: Higgins Edition is destined to be their next big hit.

Sophomores Elleana Paradise and Emily Gordon created a women’s hockey club team of their own, and that’s more exciting than any hat trick.

WPI’s Annual Black History Month Dinner, To Be Black & First: At the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Engineering, was held on Feb. 11 and featured a dialogue with Ciara Sivels (second from right), the first black woman to earn a PhD in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan. Pictured with her are (from left) president of the Black Student Union Chisom Jerry Okafo ’19, president of the African Student Association Christine Lujuo ’19, and chemical engineering PhD student Avery Brown. (Photo courtesy of Charmaine Jemison)
Juniors Kyle Dickinson, Donald Dione, Sarah St. Pierre, and Tyler Weiss took home this year’s President’s IQP Award with their project, “Reducing Flood Risk in Shkodra Through Community Engagement.”

Well, we found some people who aren’t upset by all this snow… (Photo courtesy of WPI Ski Club)

The annual Graduate Research Innovation Exchange celebrated the breadth, diversity, and quality of graduate-level research happening at WPI through poster presentations, thesis competitions, and more.

Katherine Pawlak ’22 (right) set a school record and earned a bronze medal during the 2019 NEWMAC Swimming & Diving Championships.

This year’s #WPILoves Day saw students, faculty, and staff gather in the Rubin Campus Center to share their gratitude for donors and volunteers, as well as just what they love about our community.

140 elementary school students put a little STEM in their February break with hands-on activities led by WPI students from Engineering Ambassadors, the rocketry club, and the biomedical engineering graduate program.
A team of WPI researchers led by professor of management information systems Eleanor Loiacono have examined how technology companies can take steps to recognize and utilize the talents of a neurodiverse workforce.

Campus might still be berried for the time being, but we’ll dig out in time for D-Term.