Experts on biomaterials
Biomaterial scientists and engineers develop materials, both natural and synthetic, that play a broad range of roles in medicine and health care. From medical implants to engineered tissues, the development of biomaterials draws on expertise in biology and synthetic biology, chemistry and chemical engineering, physics, and materials science. WPI experts on biomaterials are exploring the development and use of biomaterials in such areas as women’s health, healing connective tissue, regenerating skin and other tissues, and enhance the production of important drugs and other biomolecules.

Christina Mary Bailey-Hytholt
- Assistant Professor Chemical Engineering

Kristen Billiar
- Professor and Department Head Biomedical Engineering

Terri Anne Camesano
- Dean of Graduate Studies Graduate & Professional Studies

Natalie Farny
- Assistant Professor Biology & Biotechnology

Arne Gericke
- Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies Undergraduate Studies

Sarah D Olson
- William Steur Professor & Department Head Mathematical Sciences
George D Pins
- Professor Biomedical Engineering

Suzanne Frances Scarlata
- Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry

Eric Mosher Young
- Associate Professor-Engineering Chemical Engineering

Haichong Zhang
- Associate Professor Robotics Engineering