Experts on user experience

In technology, user experience is defined as the way a user interacts with and experiences a user interface, such as a website, a smartphone application, or a computer program or game. It is a measure how easy the interface is to use and the ease and speed of finding information or accomplishing tasks, among other factors. WPI offers master’s degrees in user experience design. WPI experts on user experience can address the importance of the user experience in such areas as online tutors and learning systems, human-robot interaction, medical technology, games, and even technology for the deaf community.

Soussan Djamasbi
  • Professor The Business School
Professor Djamasbi's research focuses on creating social and business value with innovation. ... View Profile
Neil Heffernan
  • Professor Computer Science
Professor Heffernan researches how smarter technologies can help K-12 classrooms use technology more effectively and optimize student learning. ... View Profile
Erin R Ottmar
  • Associate Professor Social Science & Policy Studies
Professor Ottmar aims to develop and evaluate classroom interventions that improve mathematics teaching and learning. Her research focuses on the intersections of educational, cognitive, and developmental psychology. ... View Profile
Jeanine LM Skorinko
  • Professor Social Science & Policy Studies
Professor Skorinko investigates social factors that influence our attitudes, decisions, and interactions. This includes factors such as stigmas, stereotypes, culture, and perspective taking. ... View Profile
Gillian Smith
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Professor Smith is an award-winning game designer. ... View Profile
Erin Solovey
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Much of Professor Solovey's work explores effective human interaction with complex and autonomous systems and vehicles. ... View Profile
Haichong Zhang
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Zhang is the founding director of the Medical Frontier Ultrasound Imaging and Robotic Instrumentation (Medical FUSION) Laboratory. ... View Profile