Experts on gene expression

Gene expression is the process by which information coded in a cell’s DNA is converted into functional products—most often the proteins needed for all aspects of life. Among other topics, scientists who study gene expression are interested in how the process is regulated by cells, what happens when gene expression goes wrong, and how gene expression can be hijacked by disease-causing bacteria and viruses. WPI experts on gene expression can speak on gene expression’s role in cell division in tumors and in infectious diseases like tuberculosis, how changes in gene expression help some bacteria survive stressful conditions, and gene expression in synthetic biology.

Robert Dempski
Robert E. Dempski
  • Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry
Professor Dempski's lab focuses on biomedically relevant proteins at the cell's surface. Dysfunction of these proteins results in diseases such as pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer's. ... View Profile
Tanja Dominko
  • Professor Biology & Biotechnology
Professor Dominko's research focuses on stem cell biology, nuclear reprogramming and gene expression, epigenetics, regenerative biology and stem cell niche. ... View Profile
Natalie Farny
  • Assistant Professor Biology & Biotechnology
Professor Farny is a broadly trained cell and molecular biologist with an interest in the emerging field of synthetic biology. ... View Profile
Amity L. Manning
  • Associate Professor Biology & Biotechnology
Professor Manning’s research focuses on defining the cellular mechanisms that maintain genome stability in normal cells and understanding how those pathways are corrupted in cancer cells. ... View Profile
Suzanne Frances Scarlata
  • Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry
Professor Scarlata's work seeks to understand how hormones and neurotransmitters lead to changes in the growth, division, and shape of cells such as cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells). ... View Profile
Scarlet Shell
  • Associate Professor Biology & Biotechnology
Much of Professor Shell's research centers around tuberculosis. She studies the stress response mechanisms that allow mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis to survive the conditions encountered during human infection. ... View Profile
Eric Mosher Young
  • Associate Professor-Engineering Chemical Engineering
Prof. Young is an expert in yeast, genetic engineering and synthetic biology. ... View Profile