Experts on engineering education
WPI is widely known as a pioneer in engineering education and STEM education. Its project-based WPI Plan, first implemented in the early 1970s, has inspired improvements, worldwide, in programs for educating future engineers and in the ways those programs are evaluated and accredited. Today, its Center for Project-Based Learning is helping college and university educators adopt the lessons WPI faculty have learned over the years. Among many other topics, WPI experts on engineering education can discuss the value of community-based engineering project work, the value of early exposure to project work, and how to develop a pipeline for manufacturing engineers.

Ted Clancy
- Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering

Brajendra Mishra
- Kenneth G. Merriam Distinguished Professor, Director, MPI & Donald M. Zwiep Distinguished Fellow Mechanical & Materials Engineering

Elisabeth Anne Stoddard
- Associate Professor of Teaching The Global School
Kristin K. Wobbe
- Director, Center for Project Based Learning Project-Based Learning