Experts on Computer vision

Emmanuel O. Agu
  • Professor Computer Science
Professor Agu's research interests are in the areas of computer graphics, mobile computing, and wireless networks. He is especially interested in research into how to use a smartphone as a platform to deliver better healthcare. ... View Profile
Berk Calli
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Calli's main research focus is robotic manipulation and its applications in various domains such as waste recycling, assistive feeding, within-hand manipulation. ... View Profile
Songbai Ji
  • Professor Biomedical Engineering
Professor Ji's research seeks to integrate advanced neuroimaging into traumatic brain injury (TBI) biomechanics research to understand injuries to functionally important neural pathways while developing techniques to achieve near real-time response feed ... View Profile
Cagdas Onal
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Onal conducts research in soft robotics, a largely underexplored area of robotics that has significance in medicine, manufacturing, and disaster response. ... View Profile
Haichong Zhang
  • Associate Professor Robotics Engineering
Professor Zhang is the founding director of the Medical Frontier Ultrasound Imaging and Robotic Instrumentation (Medical FUSION) Laboratory. ... View Profile