Expert Bio
Professor Rissmiller has served in a number of leadership positions associated with WPI's global studies, including most recently as The Global School dean, ad interim. He also teaches government, law, and public policy, directs the Pre-Law program, and oversees the Law and Technology minor. His own research is in energy policy. His studies have addressed the restructuring of the electric industry, energy conservation in hospitals, and the Green Communities Program in Massachusetts, among others.
As The Global School dean, ad interim, Rissmiller directs WPI’s signature Global Projects Program—a program that uses project-based learning to immerse students in hands-on experiences in a network of over 50 project centers around the world. He is also director of the Washington Project Center and has advised students at project centers in Washington, London, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Zurich.
He has served 6 years on WPI’s Undergraduate Outcomes Assessment Committee.