WPI’s University Lecture to Focus on Climate Change and Alternative Energy

National Expert to Speak on ‘Technology for a Greenhouse World’
Media Contact
January 12, 2009

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Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s (WPI) University Lecture will address global climate change and how alternative energy sources can reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases -- even as the population and developing-world economies grow. The University Lecture Series, which is open to the public and sponsored by WPI’s Office of the President, provides a forum for speakers of national and international importance to enhance scholarly and scientific learning and stimulate intellectual conversation in the community.


Franklin M. Orr Jr. is Keleen and Carlton Beal professor in Stanford University’s Department of Energy Resources Engineering and director of the school’s Global Climate and Energy Project. Orr and his students work on mathematical models used to calculate how fluids flow in the rocks of the Earth’s crust. He and his colleagues at the Global Climate and Energy Project are researching methods to limit the emission of greenhouse gases associated with energy use. Orr is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering.


Monday, Jan. 26, 2009; 5-6 p.m.


Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Alden Memorial

100 Institute Road

Worcester, Mass.