July 17, 2009

Worcester Polytechnic Institute has launched the first phase of a new website, designed to provide more engaging content and to enable visitors to find the information they need more quickly. The launch phase includes the home page and all pages immediately linked from the home page. All told, more than 500 pages have been redesigned.

The new home page enables visitors to experience WPI through videos of faculty and students telling their own stories.  Other enhancements to the site include more consistent navigation based on audience input, and a more contemporary look and feel. The next phases of the web redevelopment program will include further refinement of the site navigation and redesign of high priority academic and administrative pages.

WPI’s web redevelopment program is not just a new design, but a substantial re-engineering of the site to serve the campus and visitors better. Over time, the WPI site will take on a more consistent overall look and feel by virtue of streamlined page formats that simplify the process of updating content, making the WPI site more efficient and effective.

We invite visitors to take a look, click on the links, watch the videos, experience what’s new, and send your comments to weblaunch@wpi.edu.