In the News

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Preview From left, Cagdas Onal, PhD student Gabrielle Conard, and post-doctoral researcher Shoushan Chiang

WPI Researchers to Develop Origami-Inspired Robotic Arm for Wheelchairs 

Multiple media outlets reported on new National Science Foundation-funded research that seeks to develop a new soft robotics technology – a flexible assistive robotic arm to help wheelchair users grab objects that are otherwise out of their reach. 

The project, led by Cagdas Onal, associate professor of robotics engineering, was featured by CBS News Boston, The Worcester Telegram & Gazette, The Engineer, and Spectrum News 1.

 Spectrum’s story aired on several of its TV stations around the country, including those in Columbus, Ohio, Syracuse, New York, and Austin, Texas. 

Worcester Magazine

“It's really meaningful to see it out there in the world for people to get to know." Lucy Caplan, assistant professor in the Department of Humanities & Arts spoke to Worcester Magazine about her newly published book, Dreaming in Ensemble: How Black Artists Transformed American Opera. The book offers an often-untold account of the Black composers, performers, critics, teachers, and students who helped shape the genre in the early 1900s.