In the News

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Researchers develop way to effectively recycle stubborn Styrofoam

WPI chemical engineering researchers are working to find ways to recycle more polystyrene – a common product packaging material you may know as Styrofoam. Their analysis of the potential for a chemical recycling process is featured in yahoo! News


ScaryMommy, a parenting blog, highlighted Lifeline4Moms, an app developed by WPI and UMass Medical School that will help OB-GYNs better evaluate and treat PPD in new mothers.

NBC Connecticut

An app developed by WPI and UMass Medical School was featured in a news story about depression during pregnancy. The app, called Lifeline4Moms, is giving doctors new tools to better diagnose the condition.

Worcester Business Journal

The Worcester Business Journal reported on work funded by a $1.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a new smartphone app to monitor chronic wounds. The work is led by Emmanuel Agu, associate professor of computer science and coordinator of WPI’s Mobile Graphics Research Group, with co-principal investigators professor Diane Strong and associate professor Bengisu Tulu, both of the Foisie Business School, and Peder Pedersen, a retired professor of electrical and computer engineering.