In the News

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Researchers develop way to effectively recycle stubborn Styrofoam

WPI chemical engineering researchers are working to find ways to recycle more polystyrene – a common product packaging material you may know as Styrofoam. Their analysis of the potential for a chemical recycling process is featured in yahoo! News


Worldwide health challenges are global, from pandemics to water quality and inequitable access to care. Professor Karen Oates, who directs WPI’s master’s in global health program, spoke with GBH News’ “All Things Considered” about how technology, including artificial intelligence, can be leveraged to address these challenges. Our new degree program will empower students to design innovative, socially responsible solutions that can improve people’s health.

Spectrum News 1

WPI is empowering students to address global health challenges by leveraging socially responsible technology like AI-assisted medical treatment, wearable sensors, mobile apps, and biomedical devices. This report from Spectrum News 1 features our new master’s in Global Health program which will have a central focus on the social and ethical ramifications of health technology development.