Great Editions:  The Scholarship of Textual Editing (Authors Unbound)

Thursday, February 13, 2025
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Floor/Room #
303 - Gordon Conference Room

WPI HUA Professors Joel Brattin and Lance Schachterle will introduce us to their work as expert textual editors of works by Charles Dickens and J. Fenimore Cooper, in an interactive program about Great Editions:  The Scholarship of Textual Editing.


Cover of two-volume Oxford edition of Nicholas Nickleby, co-edited by Joel Brattin

Professor Brattin edited the Oxford Edition of Dickens's Nicholas Nickleby (2024).  The publisher notes, "Dickens's third novel, originally published in monthly parts between March 1838 and September 1839. Brilliantly comic, the novel quickly developed a strong strand of social criticism, exploring themes such as love and family, selfishness, work, and charity."

Professor Schachterle edited J. Fenimore Cooper's The Bravo (2023, SUNY).  About this novel the publisher writes, "Cooper called it 'in spirit, the most American book I ever wrote' because of its depiction of the masses duped by demagoguery and the attempts of Congress to rein in President Jackson, who Cooper saw as representing the popular will."


Cover of The Bravo, edited by Lance Schachterle

Part of the 2024-2025 Authors Unbound series at WPI.



George C. Gordon Library