Weekend Highlights
Hundreds of alumni and friends made the trip to Worcester to celebrate Reunion Weekend 2024. We celebrated reunions for classes ending in 4 and 9, honored some remarkable alumni for their outstanding professional achievements and service to WPI, and welcomed our newest alumni - the Class of 2024 - into the alumni family.
Scroll down to see some of the highlights!
Recognizing Reunion Classes and Welcoming Our Newest Alumni
This year, we held Reunion Weekend right on the heels of Commencement, providing a special opportunity for our returning alumni to congratulate and welcome our newest members of our alumni family.
The Class of 1974, celebrating their 50th reunion year, clinched the Reunion Attendance Cup with 14% of classmates returning home to the Hill! The Class participated in the Fifty-Year Associates Induction, a time-honored tradition that celebrates this special milestone.
Celebrating Philanthropy and Engagement
As of May 11, our reunion classes contributed a remarkable $18.5 million to WPI, paving the way for the generations that follow. Thank you for your generosity!
The Class of 1964 contributed the most dollars at $7.8 million, while the Class of 1954 had the highest participation in giving with 38% of classmates making a contribution. Note that these totals officially close on June 30, with the engraving of the Reunion Giving Cup to follow. There's still time to add your gift here.
At the annual Alumni Association meeting, we inducted new members to the Board of Directors: Kathryn Byorkman Gauthier ’12 as treasurer and Roman Gutierrez ’15, Morgan Mitchell BS/MS ’17, Trae Jennette ’15, Hannah Navarro Levy ’17, and Lailah Thompson ’16 as Members-at-Large.
Honoring Our Champions
The Alumni Association Awards presentation, Honoring Our Champions, was a highlight of the weekend, and recognized remarkable alumni for their outstanding professional achievements and service to WPI.
William R. Grogan Award for Support of the Mission of WPI
- Holly Keyes Ault ’74, MS’83, PhD’88
Robert H. Goddard Alumni Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement
- Gail Baker '84
- John Delaney '84
- Timothy Murray '74
- Wayne Moore MS'94
- Alfred Potvin '64
- Peter Tunnicliffe '74
Ichabod Washburn Young Alumni Award for Professional Achievement
- Hilary Adragna ’09
- Jenna Balestrini PhD’09
- Aaron Birt MS’14, PhD’17
Herbert F. Taylor Alumni Award for Distinguished Service to WPI
- Jim Pouliopoulos ’84
John Boynton Young Alumni Award for Service to WPI
- Rick Baruffi ’14, MS’15

About the Award Winners
Learn more about this year's Alumni Award winners, their support of WPI, and their outstanding careers by viewing this slideshow.

Reliving Your Best Memories
What better way to celebrate this weekend of reuniting, revisiting, and reliving than with some great friends and wild dancing?! See additional photos of the weekend here.