Notices and information from WPI divisions, departments, and offices.
On April 3, 2017 the Department of Biomedical Engineering at WPI organized a lecture in honor of one of it’s the…
Emily Lurier, class of 2014, BS. Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. Candidate, Drexel University, BioEngineering and…
Kwonmoo Lee
Biomedical Engineering faculty Kwonmoo Lee was chosen as a recipient of a $20,000.00 Microsoft Azure…
Congratulations to WPI Humanities and Arts Professor Kristin Boudreau, Chemical Engineering Professor David…
Rachel Connolly, Carol & Bob Peura, Allison Paquin
Allison Paquin and Rachel Connolly,…
Biomedical Engineering Professor and Department Head, Kristen Billiar and Biomedical Engineering Assistant…
The National Science Foundation granted WPI Biomedical Engineering Professor Dirk Albrecht a $315K award for long-…
Anny Cunha, a BME junior, and Anne Harris, a BME senior, were recognized by the biomedical engineering department…
On behalf of the Biomedical Engineering Department we would like to congratulate all of the students who…
Megan O’Brien and Dalia Shendi, both PhD students in the BME department received first place at the Graduate…
Gaetano J. Scuderi and Kevin S. Ackerman, both BME seniors, were recognized by WPI as Salisbury Award recipeints…
Dirk Albrecht, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, received the Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award.…
Chi Ta and Kevin Li, seniors in the biomedical engineering department, attended the North American Biomedical…
Biomedical engineering students Elzani van Zyl ‘17, Ben Pulver ’17, and Taylor Flaxington ‘17 are developing a…
Anne McLoughlin, a BME junior, and Gaetano Scuderi, a BME senior, were recognized by the biomedical engineering…
The award recognizes Hoffman's contributions to project-based design education through WPI's groundbreaking…
IGERT alumna Karen Levi won the graduate student poster award in the Matrix Biology and Bioengineering category at…
Erika Hall, BME classes of '07/'08, received the 2015 Worcester Business Journal's 40 Under Forty designation…
To better understand the progression of cartilage healing, this work used Fourier transform infrared imaging…
Glenn Gaudette, Assoc. Professor of BME, receives a $488,500 award from The Kern Family Foundation to help WPI…