

illuminated brain

WPI students won 3 out of 5 awards at the 3rd Annual Brain and Human Body Modeling Conference, held at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging in Boston on August 17-18th and cohosted by Sergey Makaroff and Greg Noetscher from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at WPI. The meeting attracted 140 attendees from 16 countries. Jean King, Peterson Family Dean of Arts and Sciences, provided opening remarks on neuroscience and digital health at WPI. Alton Miles, an undergraduate student in ECE, won for his talk, “Cortical neuron tissue analysis with boundary element fast multipole method – the extracellular problem.” Tess Meier, a Ph.D. student in the Automation and Interventional Medicine (AIM) Robotics Research Laboratory won for her presentation, “Studying brain activation during exoskeleton-facilitated hand movement using fMRI at the intersection of assistance and rehabilitation.” William Wartman, a Ph.D. student in ECE from the Makarov lab, was awarded for his presentation, “Boundary element fast multipole method for mesoscale and multiscale brain modeling.” In addition to the award winners, Justin Polcari, a recent graduate from the Neuroscience MS program, presented his research on, “A mindfulness intervention for hypertension and resting state functional connectivity networks.” Sarah Semy, an undergraduate completing her IQP in the King lab discussed her work on, “Enhancing timely detection of Alzheimer’s dementia and mild cognitive impairment using a deep learning model and structural MRI data.” The conference was made possible with support from the A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Novocure, Inc., and the National Institute of Mental Health.
