The Helping Herd series spotlights those who are going above and beyond to support the WPI community in these unprecedented times. This installment recognizes Chris Chagnon, ITSM architect; Kevin Wheeler, IT Service Delivery manager, and Rachel Riley-Schafer, service desk supervisor.

They were nominated by Registrar Sarah Miles, who says:

This team helped get the Registrar's Office into their ticketing system in something like six hours just before add/drop for D-term opened so that we could keep track of requests. Then, because they didn't have time to train us, they triaged every one of our tickets to set it up correctly in the system and assigned them to us. They were on zoom with us all day for two days to assist us. With this help, I was able to identify the unusually heavy volume that came in the first two days and set expectations with the community on our response times. In the first three days we received nearly 800 tickets. We couldn't have done it without the help of this team!

Separately, Chris Chagnon has been recognized by his colleague, Kevin Wheeler, who says:

Chris has worked many nights and weekends throughout the stay-at-home period to help departments streamline their processes by moving them from e-mail inboxes to our ticketing platform, and online forms via In addition he also recently developed the Hub form and approval system used for the return of research to campus.