

On November 1, WPI inducted these 11 honorees into the Hall of Luminaries.

George I. Alden, 1926 (Hon.)*

John Boynton, Founder*

Curtis R. Carlson, PhD, 1967, 2006 (Hon.)

Robert Goddard, 1908*

William R. Grogan, 1946, 1949 MS, 1990 (Hon.)*

Dean Kamen, 1973, 1992 (Hon.)

Judith Nitsch P.E., 1975, 2015 (Hon.)

David Norton, 1962

Stephen Salisbury II, Founder*

Ichabod Washburn, Founder*

Richard T. Whitcomb, 1943, 1956 (Hon.)*

These individuals were nominated by the community and selected by alumni, faculty, staff and students. The inductees have reached the pinnacle of their careers and have made major contributions to humanity.

Over 400 people gathered for the inspirational induction ceremony and permanent exhibit opening. We thank all those who attended in person and those who watched from afar online.  Photos are available here.

Congratulations once again to the 2017 WPI Hall of Luminaries Inductees!