
Facilities Office

In order to complete some important upgrades on the West Campus Electrical Power Substation, we are scheduling a power shutdown for a significant portion of the campus on Friday, June 30, from 6 am to 6 pm. We’re sending this information now, so you can plan ahead.

Please note:

  • There will be no Food Services available on campus.
  • Mail Services will also be affected for the entire campus, with access from 9 am to 1 pm only at the loading dock at the rear of the Campus Center. If you have any questions about outgoing or incoming mail, please contact Mail Services by Thursday, June 29.

This outage will affect Alden Memorial, Riley Hall, Daniels Hall, Morgan Hall, Harrington Auditorium, Higgins Labs, the Rubin Campus Center, Bartlett Center, Olin Hall, Goddard Hall, and Higgins House.  The Sports and Recreation Center is on a separate grid and will not be affected.

While the campus will remain open, all affected buildings will be closed and inaccessible, due to fire and safety regulations.  Alternative work spaces for affected employees can be found in the library and open buildings; please contact your manger, supervisor or the WPI Human Resources Department for more specific information.

When leaving campus Thursday, the 29th, please remember to turn off all computers when leaving your work area. Also, please consider cleaning out any office refrigerators prior to the long weekend.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and your patience.  Please contact Jim Bedard ( or Chris Salter ( in the WPI Facilities Projects Office with any questions.

Thank you.

