It is with great pleasure that we write to announce that voting for WPI’s Inaugural Staff Council will open tomorrow Wednesday, July 20, and will close on Friday, July 29 at 11:59 PM. Please see below for important details about the voting process.

Voting Process

To ensure a balanced representation of all university divisions and departments on the Staff Council, the council members are categorized into eight (8) divisional groups, with one (1) member serving from each group. Eligible staff will be able to vote by ranking their choices within each divisional group. You can use the table below to identify the different groups.

A voting webpage listing each candidate has been created and is now live. You can visit the webpage to learn more about the candidates by visiting the Staff Council’s Voting Companion webpage in the Hub. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order and will appear under their respective divisional group (see below for the group categories).


Group 1

Advancement, OGC, and Talent & Inclusion

Group 2

Finance & Operations (Budget & Operations, Campus Safety, Controller's Office, and Campus Planning & Facilities Management)

Group 3

Chief of Staff, Marketing Communications, and Undergraduate Enrollment

Group 4

Finance & Operations (Information Technology)

Group 5

Provost Office (Office Operations, Budget & IT, CPBL and GPS, Undergraduate Studies, Faculty Governance, and Graduate Studies)

Group 6

Provost Office (Academic & Corporate Engagement, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Research Division, Library Services, and Registrar)

Group 7

Provost Office (Global School, School of Arts & Sciences, School of Business, and School of Engineering)

Group 8

Student Affairs


Starting today, and until voting ends, various announcements will be featured on WPI Today and further communications will be shared from Talent & Inclusion reminding eligible staff of the election window.

Instructions on How to Vote

On Wednesday, July 20, each eligible staff voter will receive a personalized email from the Staff Council email account ( requesting that you vote for Staff Council members. You can see voter eligibility in the Staff Council webpage.

Voting for the Staff Council will follow a rank order voting system and will be done via a Qualtrics form.

  • To vote, for each group, simply indicate your preference for the candidates by placing the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. next to each candidate, with "1" representing your first preference.
  • If you do not wish to rank all candidates, then you may rank only those candidates that you wish to rank, beginning with "1" and proceeding consecutively.
  • Note that voting instructions will also be made available in the Qualtrics form.

Winners will be announced during the first week of August.

Meet and Greet

Opportunities for staff to get to know candidates in person will be available in the form of a ‘meet and greet’ currently planned for July 20, 21, 26, and 27 in the Rubin Campus Center between 11 AM and 1 PM. Each candidate will have the opportunity to select up to two (2) hours during the four (4) days listed. Please visit the Staff Council webpage to review the schedule for the meet and greet – it will be updated periodically as more candidates indicate their date and time preferences.

Please note that this is an optional event; if a candidate is not able to attend the meet and greet, it should not impact their candidacy. Additionally, the meet and greet will not be treated as a ‘campaigning’ event – it is simply an opportunity for members of the community to get to know candidates.


You may learn more about the Staff Council, about the role elected members will play, and about the elections in general by visiting the Staff Council webpage. If you have further questions about this process, you may email the Inclusive Culture Committee’s Staff Council account at

We hope you are as excited as we are! We thank you for your attention to this important matter!

Kind regards,

Inclusive Culture Committee and Division of Talent & Inclusion