
Office of the President

I hope the first full week of D-Term finds you healthy and adjusting to what we know has been an unprecedented disruption to every part of your life, not just academics. I know it hasn’t been easy, but that’s the WPI spirit—to embrace and solve any challenges we face. I’m so proud of not only the nimbleness and flexibility you’ve shown, but those who have already asked for help and are taking advantage of myriad support systems. Through it all, you have truly exemplified the WPI community’s resiliency and strength. We’re all learning the best ways to navigate this situation, and I want you to know that we’ll weather this storm together.

There have been many changes over the past few weeks, and with changes come questions. It’s important—now more than ever—for us to stay connected with each other, which is why I’ll be holding a special virtual Town Hall just for students on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 5 p.m. EDT to answer your questions, address concerns, and discuss the university’s latest updates. 

This session will be held as a Zoom webinar, able to accommodate up to 1,000 participants, and will last for one hour. We will use the Zoom Q&A function for questions. If the Zoom webinar fills, you can watch a simulcast on YouTube. If you aren’t able to join us, know that everything will be recorded, and we’ll make it available shortly after the live broadcast.

I’m looking forward to talking with you all and having the chance to answer your questions. To join the meeting:

YouTube link: click here


Zoom Webinar link: click here


Phone dial-in, any of the below numbers will work:

(312) 626-6799 

(646) 876-9923 

(346) 248-7799 

(669) 900-6833 

(253) 215-8782

(301) 715-8592


Webinar ID: 879 195 074

Check this link to confirm the number for your international location:

Stay safe, and best wishes for continued success this D-Term.

President Leshin