Update for Students on D-Term & Spring Semester Campus Operations; No Cases of COVID-19 in Campus Community


Office of the President

Thank you for your support during this time of crisis and as we navigate these difficult and unprecedented circumstances.  Even though we are not all together, we are still a community. And we are doing all we can to keep our community safe, healthy, and connected in the era of COVID-19.

This message contains our latest updates. Anything not directly addressed below has not changed since our prior messages.

COVID-19 Cases in the Campus Community

  • According to all of the information available to us, there are currently NO cases of COVID-19 among WPI faculty, staff and students.
  • As you know from our earlier message, we were made aware that two members of the WPI campus community were tested for COVID-19.  We are pleased to report that both of these tests came back negative.
  • In order to ensure that we take proper precautions in the event of COVID-19 exposure or positive diagnosis, we ask that anyone who has recently been tested, or who has been in physical contact with a person being tested for COVID-19 inform Health Services here.  

D-Term and Spring Semester Campus Operations

  • As previously announced, classes will resume as planned on March 25, with all classes being delivered remotely for the entirety of D-term and the remainder of Spring Semester.  Academic Affairs will be in touch with students regarding preparing for D-Term.
  • Offices will still perform their functions with employees working remotely.  
  • As the campus community is working remotely, we ask all students to stay away from campus unless you have already received specific permission to be on campus.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this directive.


We know this moment presents a real and unique challenge to you, our students.  And yet we know that our community is strong.  We are problem solvers and together we will get through this. The actions we are all taking now will make communities everywhere safer.

In these uncertain times, take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and stay safe. Thanks for being a part of WPI’s solution to this crisis.


President Leshin and

The Coronavirus Emergency Response Team