
Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the following undergraduate award winners, students who have demonstrated academic commitment and excellence.

The Two Towers Prize

Maria Daigle, Biomedical Engineering and Psychological Science


Honorable Mentions

Toni Joy, Industrial Engineering

Brian Zylich, Computer Science

In keeping with the original purposes of the founders of WPI, John Boynton and Ichabod Washburn, the Two Towers Prize is awarded to students who, through general academic competence, campus leadership, regular course work, and special work in research and projects, best exemplify a combined proficiency in the theoretical and practical that is at the heart of the WPI educational tradition. This prize was given by Mildred M. Tymeson Petrie, author of Two Towers, the centennial history of WPI.


The Wilmer L. and Margaret M. Kranich Prize

Jared Grier, Mechanical Engineering


Honorable Mention

Jessica Locke, Environmental Engineering

The Wilmer L. and Margaret M. Kranich Prize is awarded annually to the WPI student who best exemplifies excellence in the humanities and arts and its full integration into his/her undergraduate experiences. This would include, but is not limited to, course work, independent projects such as the humanities and arts project, and extracurricular activities.


The Stephen Salisbury Prize

The Stephen Salisbury Prize is awarded to highly meritorious members of the graduating class of Worcester Polytechnic Institute who have faithfully, industriously, and with distinguished attainment completed all requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Patrick Bresnahan, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Jordan Burklund, Robotics Engineering and Computer Science

Stephanie Cappelli, Environmental Engineering

Brandon Clark, Chemical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering

Ryan Cooney, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Megan Errichetti, Mechanical Engineering

Patrick Fitzgerald, Physics

Cierra Ford, Civil Engineering

Alex Hebert, Interactive Media & Game Development

Megan Hoppe, Biology & Biotechnology

Cole Jeznach, Mathematical Sciences

Hans Johnson, Robotics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Rachael Lanni, Management Engineering

Javier Lawes, Industrial Engineering and Civil Engineering

Thomas Leonard, Actuarial Mathematics

Charles Lovering, Computer Science

Emma MacIntyre, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Swarnadeep Majumder, Physics and Electrical & Computer Engineering

Tyler McNeill, Biomedical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering

Leah Morales, Architectural Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering

Virginia Nunez, Bioinformatics & Biochemistry

Katherine Pelissari, Environmental & Sustainability Studies

Rachel Santarsiero, Professional Writing and Civil Engineering


To learn more about these awards, please visit