
Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the following undergraduate award winners. These students have demonstrated academic commitment and excellence.


The Two Towers Prize

Rose Noggle, Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary

Honorable Mention

Mikel MatticoliInteractive Media and Game Development, Computer Science

Zoe Januszewski, Industrial Engineering, Management


In keeping with the original purposes of the founders of WPI, John Boynton and Ichabod Washburn, the Two Towers Prize is awarded to students who, through general academic competence, campus leadership, regular course work, and special work in research and projects, best exemplify a combined proficiency in the theoretical and practical that is at the heart of the WPI educational tradition. This prize was given by Mildred M. Tymeson Petrie, author of Two Towers, the centennial history of WPI.


The Wilmer L. and Margaret M. Kranich Prize

Colleen O’Malley, Biomedical Engineering, Management

Honorable Mentions

Cosette Domkofski, Biomedical Engineering, Psychology

Mihn Anh Kieu, Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Philosophy and Religion


The Wilmer L. and Margaret M. Kranich Prize is awarded annually to the WPI student who best exemplifies excellence in the humanities and arts and its full integration into his/her undergraduate experiences. This would include, but is not limited to, course work, independent projects (such as the humanities and arts project), and extracurricular activities.


To learn more about these awards, please visit