This message was sent to the WPI campus community Monday, February 14, 2022, by Mike Horan and Wole Soboyejo, Co-Chairs of the Administrative Policy Group.

As Co-Chairs of the APG, we are writing to let you know that, per the APG Process, the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy has been posted for public comment. You can access the policy and comment page here.

Once on the site, please navigate to the tab for the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy. There, you will see a landing page with the policy, some supporting documents, and instructions on how to comment on the policy.

Because of the length of the policy, the APG voted to extend the comment period to a full 45 days (until March 31, 2022). 

During the comment period, the Title IX Office will also host in-person listening sessions for students and for faculty and staff for members. These listening sessions will allow WPI community members an opportunity to provide live feedback and ask questions about the Policy. A follow-up email with dates, times, and locations of those listening sessions will follow shortly.

The comment period is a critical part of the process and allows all members of the WPI community—including faculty, staff, and students—to provide valuable input, feedback, and comments. As a member of the WPI community, we welcome your comments.

Please remember that if you or someone you know may have experienced sexual misconduct, please reach out to the Title IX Office at or to the Title IX Coordinator, John Stewart at


About the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy

WPI is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment that is free from Sexual Misconduct, promptly and equitably remedying the effects of such Sexual Misconduct when it occurs and preventing its recurrence.  The Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy has been an interim policy in place since August 2021. 

This Policy prohibits and defines Sexual Misconduct; describes how to report Sexual Misconduct and the initial non-investigatory steps that the Title IX Office will take; and describes WPI’s investigation, hearing, and appeals processes.

Through the Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy, WPI complies with applicable federal and state anti-discrimination laws, including but not limited to Title IX, Title VII, Mass. Gen. Laws chapters 151B and 151C, and the Massachusetts law on campus sexual violence.