

Tatyana Barthold '23

With an early interest in laboratory research, biomedical engineering major Tatyana Barthold ’23 made her way to WPI. “The biomedical engineering department is what drew me to WPI, more specifically the research being done!” 

Barthold describes herself as fortunate for the opportunity she had to work in Professor Diana Alatalo’s lab, and says she uses the important knowledge and practical lab experience she gained at WPI as quality engineer with Quanterix every day. Working to advance precision health care, the biotechnology company specializes in digitizing biomarker analysis for earlier disease detection, enhanced prognoses, and more precise treatment methods. 

“The education I got from WPI has definitely prepared me for the real world.” 
Tatyana Barthold ’23

The new graduate credits her WPI education for preparing her with the knowledge, skill, and confidence she used to get up to speed quickly and succeed in her career. “The education I got at WPI has definitely prepared me for the real world. Things move very quickly at WPI, and the seven-week terms trained me to handle the fast-paced and constantly changing biotech industry.” 

Beyond time management, Barthold explains how WPI’s project-based learning curriculum also helps her in her current role. “I find myself constantly in meetings and working with teams, which was something that I did a lot throughout my college career at WPI. It was that project-based learning environment that gave me the skills I use today as a real problem solver who can effectively convey solutions in groups settings,” says, Barthold.

In gratitude for her WPI experience and the impact it has had on her life, Barthold offers a message of gratitude. “I'm thankful for my time at WPI and for all the wonderful people I met through being a student there; I've gained meaningful relationships and connections that helped me become the person I am today.”