


Monday, July 9, 2018 marks the beginning of 5 very active weeks of summer programs.  Each week we will welcome between 400 and 500 youth to campus to participate in sports camps and academic programs.  WPI is definitely not QUIET in the summer time!

Here are some of the highlights:

The Frontiers program welcomes 215 rising high school juniors and seniors to campus this morning.  These exceptional students come from 31 different states and Puerto Rico as well as Central America, Asia and Europe.   Frontiers is a two-week residential program in which students get to experience college life.  This first group of students will be on campus until Friday, July 20, 2018.  They will be participating in a wide palette of offerings in STEM disciplines as well as the humanities and arts led by our outstanding faculty.  Many of the students who attend the Frontiers program will apply and eventually matriculate to WPI.  In fact, the class of 2022 includes 69 students who participated in the Frontiers program.  It is the open and welcoming WPI community that the Frontiers participants experience that has much to do with those decisions.


85 elementary and middle school students will commute daily to attend one of 4 STEM programs:   Advanced Robotics with Brad Miller, The Art of Designing Games with Klew Williams, Intro to Lego Robotics  led by alumnus Gin Jerome, and Engineering Technology with James Loiselle and the staff of the WPI Manufacturing Laboratories.


Over 250 young athletes will arrive ready to play at our Football Skills Clinic with Chris Robertson, Rowing Camp with Jason Steele,  the Competitive Swim Camp with Paul Bennett or Field Hockey Camp with Lisa Moreau.



It may be helpful to know that during the work week:


  Day STEM programs drop-off and pick-up using the service road in front of Daniels and Morgan Halls between the hours of 8:00 and 9:30 am, and 3:30 – 5:00  pm.   Please use caution during these times – the traffic pattern will be one-way to allow parents to pull out onto Institute Road using the exit between the Sports and Recreation Center and Morgan Hall.  


  Sports Camps drop off and pick up in the Parking Garage during the same hours (with the exception of the rowing program).  We have advised families to use caution in the garage and ask the employees entering in the garage do the same.


  Monday morning (Monday, July 9), the Frontiers students will be off to their first workshops at 8:30 AM.  We will have staff helping out with directions, but if you happen to find someone wandering, please point them in our direction.  I am attaching listing of faculty and classroom room numbers to use as a reference, but you can always direct students back to the Bartlett Center as well.


I would like to recognize and thank many of the other offices on campus who have helped in preparing to welcome these students including Athletics, the Admissions Office, Student Aid and Financial Literacy, Career Development Center, the Housing & Residential Experience Center, Student Activities, IT, Chartwells, the Events Office, Health Services, and Facilities. 


If at any time during the next couple of weeks, you have questions or concerns about any of the Summer Programs, please do not hesitate in Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs at ext. 4900. 


Again, I thank you in advance for making all of our summer programs participants feel at home for the next couple of weeks.



Your POP Team

Sue Sontgerath

Ryan Meadows

Jenna Noel-Grinshteyn

Suzette Santiago

Christine Banning

Jesse Rives

Nicole Anterni