

Convocation & Commencement Speakers Needed

Are you a member of the Class of 2024 completing your degree and walking at the Graduate Ceremony on May 9th or the Undergraduate Ceremony on May 10th? If so, are you interested in presenting a speech at Convocation (formerly Baccalaureate) or Commencement?

Ceremony Degree Date and Time
Convocation Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD Tuesday, May 7 @ 1:30 pm
Graduate  PhD and Master’s Thursday, May 9 @ 5:00 pm


Bachelor’s Friday, May 10 @ 2:00 pm

The student commencement speaker will address their fellow graduates in a 5 minute speech as part of the Commencement Ceremony and the Convocation speaker will present their 5 minute speech to all graduates during Convocation. Following our Earle Bridge Crossing, Convocation is a time of celebrating and reflecting with all your fellow graduates through speeches and music. Information about musical or performance-based auditions will be forthcoming. 

Here’s what you need to know:

  • A small group of your fellow students will listen to the speeches and determine the selected graduate speakers and undergraduate speakers for both Commencement and Convocation. 
  • Auditions will be conducted in-person in the Rubin Campus Center Hagglund Room on Tuesday, April 16 (Graduate) and in the Mid-Century Room on Thursday April 18 (Undergraduate).  
  • The selected speech will:
  • Focus on your unique WPI journey and student experience
  • Have an over-arching positive and aspirational theme 
  • Be well-written, constructive and upbeat in nature
  • Be presented in a high quality and engaging manner

To Apply:

  1. Submit a copy of your typed, double spaced proposed speech by Wednesday, April 10, 2024 to Lori Kendall-Taylor for Master’s and PhD students and to Aprile Mero for Bachelor’s students.
  2. Sign up for an in-person audition on Tuesday, April 16 (Graduate Students) or Thursday, April 18 (Undergraduate Students) between 4:00–7:00 pm. 

Questions: If you have questions about the submission or audition process, please contact Gregory Snoddy at

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at Commencement and Convocation.