Streamlined Experience for Incoming Students: New Home for Information and Onboarding Tasks

We're excited to announce some enhancements to the onboarding experience designed to streamline the information the incoming class will need to know.   

Finding Onboarding Information Just Got Easier:

Information for incoming students has a new home. To ensure all essential resources are readily accessible, we've integrated them seamlessly into the WPI website, First-Year Experience page. This means our incoming students, parents and families, and prospective students can now find everything they need about beginning their WPI experience– from program details to academic advising – in one convenient location alongside other valuable WPI resources. 

Onboarding Made Simple: 

We understand the importance of a smooth transition to WPI. To further streamline this process, all the onboarding tasks – including required forms, training modules, deadlines, and due dates – have now been consolidated and will be tracked in a centralized New Student Onboarding Hub. This user-friendly platform provides a clear roadmap for completing all the necessary steps before the first day of classes. This dashboard provides students with a real-time view of complete and incomplete tasks, allowing for proactive support and ensuring a smooth transition for all incoming students. 

Benefits for Everyone:

These changes offer a more cohesive and efficient experience for both incoming students and the WPI community at large. Students will benefit from a streamlined onboarding process, while student offices gain valuable insights to ensure successful onboarding for every new Goat! As you are engaging with incoming students and families, be sure to refer them to these new resources!  

Thank you to all who have collaborated on these efforts! If you have any questions, feel free to email  


Justin Amevor – Web Developer II, Information Technology

Stacey Happy – Marketing & Digital Media Program Manager

Rachael Heard – Director of Academic Programming and Student Transitions