
Staff Council

This past year, Staff Council worked with Faculty Governance and Talent & Inclusion to move the selection of staff members for the Fringe Benefits Committee to Staff Council.

Fringe Benefits Committee (FBC), as defined by the Faculty Handbook, is a permanent subcommittee of the Committee on Financial and Administrative Policy (FAP) that is responsible for reviewing and proposing changes to the WPI fringe benefits offerings with special attention paid to the evaluation and recommendation of health care plans and health insurance providers, tuition benefits, disability plans, and retirement policies. Recommendations from the FBC are passed to FAP. In those instances when FAP does not accept FBC’s recommendations, the two committees should meet in an attempt to resolve their differences.

Some of the changes made to the structure of FBC this past year were to balance the faculty and staff representation to five members each, and the staff will have a vice-chairperson appointed from Staff Council.

FBC is a three-year commitment. This year, we will be looking for two members to be appointed for three-year terms and one member to be appointed for a two-year term (to help with staggered membership). If you are interested in serving, please send an email to with a short statement on why you would like to serve on FBC and how you believe you will be able to contribute. Please email by August 9th if you are interested!

Thank you and have a great rest of your summer!