
Staff Council

Dear WPI Staff, 

The Staff Council members are excited to share an update on the progress with the development of a Staff Council Constitution and Bylaws!  We have been working to ensure our language and approach outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws will serve to govern the operations of the Council, including our representation model and election process.

We want to thank the staff members who provided their feedback on the first election process. We reviewed your comments and incorporated your feedback to improve the election process while providing equitable representation of the WPI staff.

We are opening a public comment and review period to our staff community to submit their comments starting on February 16, 2023, and ending on February 28, 2023.  The constitution and bylaws will be ratified by a simple majority of eligible staff after the closing of the public comment & review period. To review the constitution and bylaws and submit your comments, please click here.

If you would like to reach out to any of the council members for questions regarding the constitution and bylaws, please email

Please check out our website for up-to-date information and Staff Council meeting minutes at

We look forward to formalizing and executing the constitution and bylaws to ensure this body will be a valuable, sustainable, and visible part of WPI culture. 

Thank you,

Staff Council

Theona Scola, Bill Battelle, Diane Dubois, Caitlin Keller, Roxanne Gardner, Kim Hollan, Sarah Miles, Jennifer Cluett, Amy Curra