
Marketing Communications

The Marketing Technology Division is excited to announce the following enhancements to the Intellectual Property & Innovation website.

You can now search through WPI’s patents database using the filters above the table as shown in the screenshot below.  You can search by the inventor’s name, the patent title, or any keyword that relates to the patent.  Partial searches also work, so visitors to the site do not have to know the full patent title or even the inventor’s full name.

You also have the ability to narrow down your search results by selecting one of the following research categories:

  • Advanced Materials Manufacturing & Mobility
  • Cyber Data & Security Science and Engineering
  • Health & Biotechnology
  • Robotics & Cyberphysical Systems

Patent Catalog

In the above table, the patent application number links to a detailed patent page on Google Patents and the faculty inventors’ names link to their faculty profile pages. 

Clicking on the name of a patent brings you to a patent summary page, similar to the one shown below.  Each patent page will include all of the information from the above table, plus a summary describing the patent and its key features/benefits.  The page may also include a photo or video related to the patent.

Patent Detail Page

The goal of this project is to make it easier for potential investors to find patents, either on our website or through the search engines.  As Google indexes these pages, we hope to increase awareness of research being done here at WPI and ultimately bring in more funding to support this research.