
Vice Provost for Research

We are pleased to announce that through a collaboration between various groups across campus including Academic Research Computing (ARC), Marketing and Communications, and Research Solutions Institute, we have launched a core research equipment database showcasing instrumentation available for members of the WPI community and external users (companies, other colleges and universities, and government labs). This can also be found from the core facilities website.

While this database is still in the early roll-out phase and is not a complete list of all equipment across campus, it captures equipment and capabilities in the core research facilities – namely PracticePoint, Lab for Education & Application Prototypes (LEAP@WPI/QCC), Life Sciences & Bioengineering Center (LSBC), Metal Processing Institute (MPI), and Cell Engineering Research Equipment Suite (CERES). This list currently includes instrumentation for materials analysis, micro and nano fabrication, microscopy, metrology, integrated photonics and high-speed electronics testing, medical imaging, biomechanics instrumentation, medical device testing, and analytical chemistry and molecular biology research.

The list will expand with instrumentation from other labs/centers and with equipment and core facilities growth. We aim to making it easier for WPI researchers and students to find the existing instrumentation across campus, as well as have a portal for outside customers interested in using our facilities. We look forward to working with the WPI community to build out and refine this database, add new features (e.g., the ability to do on-line reservations, 3D tours, etc.). 

Thank you to the entire team across campus who contributed to this effort.



 Here is a webpage capture that shows the new Instrumentation Database.