
Global Lab

The Global Lab is delighted to announce the Global Lab’s Global Fellows Program for academic year 2021-22. The program allows any TRT/TT faculty from all departments and programs across campus to spend a term in residence at the Global Lab in the Foisie Innovation Studio, completing a research, academic or creative project that advances the goals of the Lab and the fellow's own professional goals as they relate to global engagement, broadly defined. There are no limits to the shapes of these projects. We encourage you to pursue topics about which you are most passionate, and we offer support to help you bring these projects to fruition. 
We welcome projects that:  
Address compelling, timely themes that are of importance to a faculty member’s disciplinary pursuits, partnerships and communities around the world, or that advance the capacities of the WPI community to engage meaningfully with stakeholders, local and global.   
Have generative potential. Is the project likely to stimulate further activity supporting the fellow's professional goals and the mission of the Lab beyond the fellowship term? This might include a re-imagined course, interdisciplinary grant work, or the advancement of social justice, climate, Grand Challenges or other initiatives on campus. 
Explore modalities for communicating academic work. Whether through a peer-reviewed publication, an immersive reality experience, a performance piece, a project documentary or anything in between, could the project's products (and process) help advance thinking about how academic work is communicated and disseminated?  
Fellows spend one term in residence in the Lab, with the Program providing for course release. We will work with Fellows and department heads to coordinate terms and course releases, but we ask that applicants secure approval from their department heads prior to applying for the Fellowship. 
To learn more about the program or to apply, please visit the Global Fellows page. The application deadline is November 2, 2020. The Global Lab steering committee will identify finalists who will be invited to discuss their project ideas further.   
Please let us know if you have any questions. We are happy to discuss the opportunity in advance. We look forward to hearing from you!
Leslie Dodson( and Steve McCauley( (co-directors)
Global Lab