A/V Equipment:

For the MQP presentations, we suggest that you reserve "electronic" classrooms through Cathy Battelle (clb@wpi.edu or x6002), that have installed LCD projectors and computers.  Here is a link to our web site, which lists the electronic classrooms on campus - http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/ATC/Facilities/eclassrooms.html.  On this web page, you can click-on any classroom to see the types and specifications of A/V that are provided.  If your designated presentation location does not already have the A/V equipment that you will need, please submit your requests to us (atc@wpi.edu or x5220) as soon as possible.  To assure that we will have the necessary resources to assist you, we require a minimum of 4 business days advance notice.


Student Presentations:

We recommend that students bring their presentation on either a CD or a USB storage device to load onto the computer in the designated presentation location.  Often, many students try to retrieve their presentations from various folders or web sites.  As you know, this process isn't 100% reliable, and sometimes there can be problems accessing the file.  This is why we suggest the fail-safe method of having their presentation already available on a CD or USB storage device.