
Office of the President

This message was sent to the WPI community.

May 10, 2022

Dear WPI Community:

I am writing to share an update on our progress in the search for the next president of WPI and to thank the more than 500 of you who participated in various forums to share your ideas, concerns, and aspirations for WPI and our next president. 

The presidential search committee—announced in last month’s update—has been hard at work, bringing their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and applying the input from the broader community as noted above, to create a compelling case to inform and attract prospective candidates. 

The committee’s first deliverable, a detailed Presidential Position Specification, features the many special attributes of our institution and presents a summary of the opportunities and expectations for the next president while highlighting the qualifications and personal characteristics deemed most critical to success.

Our executive search partner, WittKieffer, will be sending this document to prospective candidates. It will also be posted on the Presidential Search site where it can be downloaded and shared. We remain committed to an inclusive and consultative search process as we work to attract the strongest possible candidates to lead this remarkable institution.

I hope you will take the time to review the position specification, and that you share the pride of the search committee in documenting what makes this institution special and what we aim to achieve together.


David LaPre ‘74

WPI Trustee and Chair, Presidential Search Committee