You may have heard or read about the new Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave law (PFML) that has passed. While the new law does not go into effect until January 1, 2021, it presents some important changes for you and your family. Our goal is to introduce you to the Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) law and how it impacts you, including the benefits you may be entitled to and the state mandated deductions from your paycheck that will start in October. 

What is the Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave Law?

Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) is job-protected, paid time away from work mandated by Massachusetts State.  PFML covers two types of leave, Family leave and Medical leave. 

  • Beginning January 1, 2021, you may be entitled to up to
  • 12 weeks of paid family leave in a benefit year for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child, or because of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a family member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty in the Armed Forces;
  • 20 weeks of paid medical leave in a benefit year due to your own serious health condition that incapacitates them from work
  • 26 weeks of paid family leave in a benefit year to care for a family member who is a covered service member undergoing medical treatment or otherwise addressing consequences of a serious health condition relating to the family member’s military service.
  • Beginning July 1, 2021, you may be entitled to up to
  • 12 weeks of paid family leave in a benefit year to care for a family member with a serious health condition.
  • 26 total weeks, in the aggregate, of paid family and medical leave in a single benefit year.

Private Plan Exemption

Currently WPI offers paid medical leave with benefits that are at least as generous as those provided under the state Medical Leave plan. WPI has applied for an exemption from paying into the state medical leave plan so we can continue our generous medical leave policy. 

Who pays for the program?

PFML benefits will be funded by a payroll or earnings contribution on every dollar of wages or payment for services earned by a covered individual. The state has mandated that employers pay 60% of the cost of the Medical leave, the remaining employee contributions are as follows.   

  • For every $100 you earn, a maximum of $0.38 will be deducted for the covered contribution share.  This will consist of:
  • $0.13 to cover family leave
    • If you make $50,000 your monthly deduction would be approximately $5.00 
  • $0.25 to cover medical leave

WPI is required to provide additional notification by September 30, 2019 outlining the PFML details.  This information was to introduce you to the upcoming state mandated changes.  Official notification will be sent through Workday and will request acknowledgment of receipt.


Additional Information

  • Set up multi-factor authentication (MFA). See instructions then confirm setup with the Service Desk in Gordon Library, at 508-831-5888, or
  • Go to, login with your WPI credentials, click the Workday icon, and authenticate with MFA when prompted. For help, email